Free Open Play Sundays

✨ Free Open Play Sundays✨

🎨 A Free Caregiver & Me Experience
👶 Recommended for ages 1-5
🏡 Proudly Sponsored by Jessica Altro, Realtor

Join us for a morning of creativity, exploration, and fun! Little ones can enjoy open play and making new friends while they create and explore in a welcoming space.

Sunday Mornings 10am in March, April and May.

📅 Reserve your spot and join us for a morning of play and connection! 💕


📌 Fine Print:
▫️ Registration is required for each participating child.
▫️ Limited to 14 children per class.
▫️ If you can’t attend, please cancel your registration to allow another child to participate.
▫️ If you miss a class without canceling at least 12 hours in advance, you may risk losing your registration for future Open Play & Art Wednesdays.
▫️ We do not offer transfers to another class or issue credits. 
▫️ Please dress your child in clothes that are okay to get messy! Our activities may include paint, sensory materials, and other fun (but sometimes messy) creative play.

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